Fall Festival & Trick or Treating
Saturday, October 19th
At Yellow Smoke
Fall Festival at the Nature Center from 1-4 pm
Wolf Exhibit at the Nature Center from 1-4 pm
Raptor Release at the Nature Center at 2:00 pm
Trick or Treating in the Campground from 5-6 pm
Parking will be at the campground visitor lot, boat ramp, and beach.
Fall Festival -
Dress as your favorite story book character. There will be games, a bounce house, hay rack rides, food, prizes, music, & more. Play games, decorate a pumpkin, make a craft, frost a fall cookie, & many other activities. Wear your costume and you might get a prize.
Tickets for activities are 5 for $1
Raptor Release-
The 7th year the Nature Center is fortunate to be host of a fall raptor release from SOAR (Save Our Avian Resources). You can place your name in a jar with a chance to be drawn out to release a raptor back into the wild.
Trick or Treat-
Children up to 12 years old. Free camping on Saturday night for campers who decorate and provide candy for up to 300 kids.
Campground road will close at 4:45 pm