Monogram Quality Foods, hiring, now hiring

Advertise with KDSN

KDSN Radio Stations offers the following benefits:

a) Short and Long Term contracts  
b) Saturation packages
c) Various Value-Added Advertising Programs
d) Creative Marketing Ideas
e) Co-op Advertising
f) Individual "Needs & Analysis" Reports


All Advertisers ALWAYS recieve the benefit of two separate audiences (KDSN AM 1530 and KDSN FM 104.9) for one price. 

 Production facilities State-of-the-art production facilities, computer editing, computer enhancement, all messages in wave file for best quality.  Messages can be recorded at the KDSN Studios or at your location, pre-recorded messages can be e-mailed to KDSN Radio. 

Annual Bulk Commercial Contract:  You determine the number of messages your business will use during the year and contract a specific rate.  Choose from 60-second, 30-second, or 15-second messages.  Messages must be used with a consecutive 365 day period.

Long-Term Contract: Long term contract provides Monday through Saturday coverage with free bonus message on Sundays to reach all present and potential customers. This provides advertisers the best advertising rates.  Rates as low as $4.25 per audience! 

KDSN Value Added:  Generally with most contracts, advertisers recieve value-added radio advertising on the KDSN Stations.  KDSN has quarterly promotions and marketing events that offer value-added. 

KDSN Creativity:  KDSN listens to what you want and develops a marketing campaign.  Creative messages that focus on what your business does best and invites present and potential customers into your business. 

Coop Advertising:  KDSN accepts co-op advertising and will help you find available coop dollars.  KDSN provides accurate billing and affidavits each month for proper reimbursement. 

Individual Needs & Analysis:  The best method to determine how your business should proceed with advertising includes meeting with a KDSN Sales Representative and conducting a "Needs & Analysis".  This 45-60 minute meeting will provide confidential information that is paramount in developing a solid, consistent, marketing program.  You will be given various options to help you achieve your business goals. 

KDSN Advertising Rates:  KDSN does not publish advertising rates.  Advertising rate should be a non-factor if and when you achieve your overall goals. 


To Talk with a KDSN Sales Representative:  Call KDSN Radio Stations at 712.263.3141, e-mail KDSN at, or fax KDSN Radio at 712.263.2088


Long Term contract: 
Our most popular advertising program: Long term advertising builds top-of-the-mind awareness, promoting your special features and products. Long term contracts have a substantial cost-per-message discount.

Saturation packages: 
Need instant traffic and response? KDSN has a variety of saturation packages. 

Value Added Advertising Programs:
Many of the KDSN "packages and promotions" feature value-added benefits. KDSN offers quarterly and monthly packages and promotions that give advertisers "more bang for their buck."

Creative Marketing ideas: 
Need a special promotion, an idea, an event to help build traffic? We can help - from creative copy to creative in-store events - it's part of our service to advertisers.

Co-op Advertising: 
Each week in the immediate KDSN broadcast area, there is over $18,000 in co-op advertising that is going UNSPENT! KDSN is associated with a national Co-op Advertising Research firm that can stretch your advertising budget. In some cases, co-op advertising will pay up to100% of the advertising investment on KDSN!

Needs and Analysis: 
KDSN Sales Representative can perform a "Needs and Analysis" that fully explains your business to us - pro's, con's, myths, misconceptions, unique features, target audience. Your business is different from the "guy down the street," yet, you have unique 'traffic and profit-potential. Decide to get your "unfair share" of the available consumers dollars ... contact KDSN AM & KDSN FM Radio Stations in Denison and ask to speak to a Sales Representative.

Ten Reasons To Advertise On KDSN

1.  Advertising Creates Store Traffic:  Continuous store traffic is the first step toward increasing sales and expanding your base of shoppers.  The more people who come into a store, the more opportunities you have to make sales.  A National Retail Federation survey found that for every 100 items shoppers plan to buy, they make 30 unanticipated purchases.

2.  Advertising Attracts New Customers: The market is constantly changing.  Newcomers in our area mean new customers to reach.  People earn more money, which means changes in lifestyles and buying habits.  The shopper who wouldn't consider your business a few years ago may be a prime customer now.

3.  Advertising Encourages Repeat Business:  Shoppers don't have the store loyalty they once did.  Shoppers have mobility and freedom of choice.  You must advertise to keep pace with your competition.  The National Retail Federation states:  "Mobility and non-loyalty are rampant.  Stores MUST promote to get former customers to return and seek new ones."

4.  Advertising Generates Continuous Business:  Your doors are open.  Employees are on the payroll.  Even the slowest days produce sales.  As long as you're in business, you've got overhead to meet and new people to reach.  Advertising can generate traffic now...and in the future.

5.  Advertising is an INVESTMENT in Success:  Advertising gives you a long term advantage over competitors who cutback or cancel advertising.  A survey of more than 3,000 companies found that advertisers who maintained or expanded advertising over a five-year period saw their sales increase an average of 100 percent, and companies that cut advertising grew at less than half the rate of those who advertise steadily.

6.  Advertising Keeps You in the Competitive Race:  There are only so many customers in the market ready to buy at any one time.  You have to advertise to keep regular customers and to counterbalance the advertising of your competition.  You must advertise to keep or expand your market share or you will lose to more aggressive competitors.

7.  Advertising Keeps Your Business Top-Of-Mind with Shoppers:  Many people postpone buying decisions.  They often go from store to store comparing prices, quality, and service.  Advertising must reach them steadily through the entire decision-making process.  Your name must be fresh in their minds when they decide to buy.

8.  Advertising Give Your Business A Successful Image:  In a competitive market, rumors and bad news travels fast.  Nothing sets the record straight faster than advertising; it tells your customers and competitors that your doors are open and you're ready for business.  Vigorous and positive advertising can bring shoppers into the marketplace, regardless of the economy.

9.  Advertising Maintains Morale:  Positive advertising boosts morale.  It gives your staff strong, additional support.  When advertising or promotion is suddenly cut or cancelled, salespeople and employees may become alarmed or demoralized.  They may start false rumors in the honest belief that your business is in trouble.

10.  Advertising Brings In Big Bucks for Your Business: Advertising works.  Businesses that succeed are usually strong, steady advertisers.  Look around.  You'll find the most aggressive and consistent advertisers are almost invariably the most successful.  Join their ranks by advertising and watch your business grow!

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