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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Denison-Schleswig Monarch Alum and Iowa Central's Lucas Segebart is Athlete of the Week

Denison-Schleswig Monarch Alum and Iowa Central's Lucas Segebart is Athlete of the Week

Lucas Segebart joins the other ICCAC Athletes of the Week after his impressive five-game stretch. In the Kohawk Invite, Segebart finished 12th out of the 134 men competing. Not only did he finish with a total score of 1070, but he averaged a 214 per game. Segebart's highest score came in game three where he bowled a 234. The Iowa Central coaching staff emphasized how much of a hard worker Segebart has been all season and that he is hitting his stride while getting close to postseason competition. He is the fourth Triton men's bowler to win Athlete of the Week in 2023-24.

* ICCAC Article 


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