Thursday, December 15, 2022

Morningside Park New Place For Ice Skating in Denison

Ice skating will return to Denison this winter in Morningside Park. 

Mayor Pam Soseman says it seems like an upgrade over last year’s location at the Northside Recreation Complex. 

“It was up on a hill, nobody could find it, and then we had some mischievous people who were putting tables and chairs on top of the rink. More visibility in this area. There should be adequate parking there,” said Soseman. 

She says some concerns about a lack of parking helped push them away from putting it uptown even though some people seemed to like the idea. 

“I personally do to. I was just in New York City and they have Bryant Park. Thousands of people go to that skating rink every year and there’s no parking. I always say walking is healthy. I realize we have to be respectful of those who cannot walk as far as many others,” said Soseman. 

She says they expect to put it on the ball field at Morningside Park after replacing the liner.

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