Thursday, January 5, 2023

Crawford County Could Lease Space on LMR Towers

Crawford County Could Lease Space on LMR Towers

Crawford County will be represented by an engineering consultant if they decide to lease space on the new land mobile radio towers. 

The board of supervisors authorized Tom Medhi of the Associated Engineering Company in Grimes to represent the county. Chairman Ty Rosburg says that means they will have an expert negotiating with any third party about the LMR towers. 

“I do believe Tom has already represented us in things that have been put on our tower there at the courthouse. They would know if some structural reinforcement would have to be done. They could negotiate that where that would be at the cost of whoever would like to be on the tower as opposed to being a new expense for the county,” Rosburg said. 

He says the tower system could help in expanding broadband to the most rural areas. 

“We did work some extra space in there in the event that we needed to do something else or if there was somebody that wanted to be on there. So if there are some people that want to mount something on there that would serve that purpose plus generate some revenue to help us offset our cost of having these towers all that’s a win-win for the county,” Rosburg said. 

Rosburg says there is no retainer fee. The expected cost is $2,500 for service if an agreement is reached with a separate hourly rate if not.

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