Monday, January 9, 2023

Local Leaders Thankful For Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

January 9th is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

Denison Police Chief Brandon Rinnan says it’s awesome for officers to be recognized for all of their hard work when they often deal with people on their worst day. 

“The job can get tough. We are fairly young as far as tenure and actual age. Our officers have really taken to the job and they’re really doing everything they can. I’m extremely proud of them and as far as my comm center workers they are doing a fantastic job. They’re willing to go over and beyond and help this community out,” said Rinnan. 

Crawford County Sheriff Jim Steinkuhler says doing a job that can be dangerous is better when you know those who you protect and serve have your back. 

“You see a lot more on social media of law enforcement being treated poorly. Makes you sick to your stomach a little bit because my guys are out there risking their lives every day. But not here in Crawford County. This community has shown that it comes to help law enforcement,” said Steinkuhler. 

Chief Rinnan agrees that local support means a lot. 

“We are in a time right now where sometimes police are not really looked at in a positive light which is unfortunate because I know that I can speak for the people at this agency and my officers mean well and they’re always going to do what’s best for the community,” said Rinnan. 

Both thanked everyone who reaches out to show their appreciation for law enforcement on this day and others throughout the year. 

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