Friday, February 24, 2023

Denison Residents to Vote on Revenue Purpose Statement 

Denison Residents to Vote on Revenue Purpose Statement 

On Tuesday, March 7th, Denison residents may vote on a Revenue Purpose Statement for the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) fund. The Statement, if approved, allows for continued investment of sales taxes toward school infrastructure projects. Superintendent Mike Purdun says the approval would have no impact on local property taxes or sales taxes. 


“When the legislature extended the SAVE for the schools out till into 2050 those Revenue Purpose Statement then would need to be updated. So all schools sooner or later are going to have to do that. So we've opted here on March 7th the board pass the resolution to put everything in motion for our community to make sure that we're spending the funds on the things that it can be spent for.”


He says there is a variety of ways the board can decide to use the money, from transportation to school safety measures.


“Our one-to-one program, any remodeling or repairing, expanding any of our school buildings. Improving our grounds, furnishing, equipping our facilities, repairing it, or purchasing transportation, so our buses. Camera systems for school safety is an example. Those sorts of things can all be out of there. Providing property tax relief is a component of that.” Purdun says. 


An approved statement would extend the district’s Revenue Purpose Statement as long as current legislation allows. If approved the extension would take effect immediately.

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