Monday, March 13, 2023

Crawford County Will Soon Ask For City Center Bids

Crawford County Will Soon Ask For City Center Bids

Crawford County is looking for partners in the first part of renovating the new Public Health building. 

Supervisor Jean Heiden says the first Request For Proposal will be related to a small concrete and demolition job in the basement. 

“Not a big concrete project. Something somebody could probably do on a weekend. We had a little bit of water damage down in the basement so it’s become imperative that we get the carpets out of there before we get any mold. So that’s got to happen here sooner than later,” said Heiden. 

She also says the upstairs area needs a facelift along with other updates. 

“A few doors changed around. Some handicap-accessible projects. We have an idea of what needs to be done there but we’re going to be putting an RFP out for that also. We’re going to get that ready for them to move into. We already have someone interested in our annex where they are now. So things are moving along very nicely,” said Heiden. 

Heiden says this will not be a full re-design of the building. 

“It was a doctor’s office prior. We visualized it to be bright and friendly for kids when they come in. Just really make it a nice place for people that are using our Public Health system. I just am anxious to have a ribbon-cutting over there,” said Heiden. 

She says they hope to ask for bids as soon as possible with spring weather hopefully arriving soon.

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