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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Harrison County will not institute mask mandate

-Harrison County Public Health announced through their Facebook page that a county-wide mask mandate will not be implemented today. Though the county has saw 348 new cases in the last five weeks, a 14 day positivity rate of over 25% and ICU bed supply dwindling in the region, the Harrison County Board of Health and Board of Supervisors have had early discussions of a face covering mandate.

Harrison County Public Health went on to mention the procedures to go through for that to happen. The procedures would be a public notice and comment period, a draft of the mandate and a notice for a public hearing would be posted three days prior to the hearing. Once the hearing takes place, the Board of Health can then decide if it wants to put a resolution in place, and if they choose to, the Board of Supervisors would vote on the resolution and give the resolution the force of law.


According to the Iowa Coronavirus data website, three different facilities have had outbreaks. The site shows that Dunlap Specialty Care has saw 61 total cases of the virus among staff and residents, while 6 have recovered. Longview Home in Missouri Valley has had 30 residents and staff who've tested positive for the virus and 8 of them have recovered. Rose Vista home in Woodbine has 87 combined staff and residents who caught the virus but 15 of them have recovered.

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