Denison City Council Meeting Held Tuesday, October 17th
The Denison City Council met on Tuesday evening. Some of the pertinent highlights given by Mayor Pam Soseman included the city being introduced to the new Tourism Coordinator, Drew Perrien. Further on the tourism side of things, it was reported that number wise all around, the city held the most successful Tri-City BBQ Fest to date. Another exciting item of interest was the City approving the application process for Denison to be a RAGBRAI host community. The decision on selection for this will be in January of next year. Another discussion of interest was in regards to employee compensation as the City is allowing City Manager, Jennifer Garcia, to track compensation time in efforts to limit those hours for fiscal purposes. The City is also working on ramping up their sidewalk repair program where the City can assist local Denison homeowners with necessary sidewalk repairs with payback to the City required. Finally there was a motion to approve the Beck Engineering proposal for Washington Park for consultation on the Park’s masterplan. For the full interview with Mayor Soseman, click here.