Denison City Council Meeting Next Tuesday
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 R10; 5:00 p.m.
Council Chambers R10; Denison, Iowa
Dial In: (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID: 453 000 9887 Passcode: 2633143
Meeting Link:
- Call Meeting to Order
- Roll Call R10; Curnyn, Granzen, Logan, Miller, Zupp-Smith
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Motion to Approve Agenda
- Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
- a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for July 16, 2024 second regular meeting
- b) approve the bills as presented
- c) approve cash & activity report-06/2024
- d) approve budget report-06/2024
- e) approve bank reconciliation-06/2024
- f) approve liquor licenses for: El Jimador, Inc, Top of Iowa Lucky Wife, La Cantina LLC,
and Lucky Lanes XII
- g) approve appointment of Brooke Hillhouse to the Parks and Recreation Commission to
replace Cathy Gibbons, term expiring May 2027
- h) Resolution Setting Wage for Seasonal Part-Time Administrative Clerk
- i) approve the hiring of Giana Garcia as a Seasonal Administrative Clerk, at an hourly wage
of $12.00, effective 07/29/2024
- j) approve the hiring of Elsie Jenkinson as a Seasonal Administrative Clerk, at an hourly
wage of $12.00, effective 07/29/2024
- k) approve the promotion of Taylor Schwarte as a Probationary Communications Operator,
at an hourly wage of $20.54, effective 07/31/2024
- Citizen Input – limit 5 minutes
- Department Director Reports
- Discussion on the fees charged to property 1103 3rd Avenue South
- Discussion on parking on 12th Avenue South
- Discussion and possible motion to waive the background check for WineTime, LLC
- Resolution to Approve Execution of FAA 3-19-0026-020 BIL-AIG Grant Agreement for
Denison Municipal Airport Fuel System Project
- Resolution to Approve Execution of FAA 3-19-0026-021 BIL-AIG Grant Agreement for
Denison Municipal Airport Fuel System Project
- Motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2022/2023 audit
- Discussion on handbook changes
- Discussion on a potential development agreement with the Donna Reed Foundation
- Discussion on FEMA BRIC funding
- Mayor Report
- City Manager Report
- Possible motion to enter closed session per IA Code 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional
competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being
considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s
reputation and that individual requests a closed session
- Action after Closed Session
- Adjournment
If accommodation is needed, please contact City Hall within 48 hours prior to the City Council