Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Biden foreign policy is why Iowan wanted to be DNC delegate

Biden foreign policy is why Iowan wanted to be DNC delegate

One of the Iowa delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago says her friends in other countries are paying close attention to the presidential race.

Janice Weiner, a state senator from Iowa City, joined the U.S. State Department in 1987 and had assignments in seven foreign countries before her retirement as a foreign service officer.

“I can guarantee you that people around the world have their eyes trained on the United States, both for this convention and they will be throughout the entire election period,” Weiner said. “I have friends who’ve been talking about it for months.”

Weiner said one reason she wanted to be a delegate at this week’s convention was because of President Biden’s foreign policy initiatives. “We need to thank him for the last four years, for standing up for democracy, for strengthening alliances, for strengthening NATO, for standing up for and helping Ukraine,” Weiner said, “for really making us a country and a government that our foreign partners can work with and trust.”

Iowa Democratic Party chair Rita Hart said for the past two weeks she’s been thinking the speech Biden would give at the convention and how it would solidify his legacy.

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