Johnson Propane


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Iowa law enforcement will zero in on speeders, impaired drivers over holiday

Iowa law enforcement will zero in on speeders, impaired drivers over holiday

For the last time this summer, law enforcement agencies are ready to launch a STEP, or a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program.

Iowa State Patrol spokesman Trooper Paul Gardner, from the Fort Dodge post, says STEP will put dozens of extra law enforcement officers on the roads during the upcoming holiday weekend, and they’ll be seeking out speeders, impaired drivers and other lawbreakers.

“Statewide, we’re at 195 traffic deaths to date, compared to 242 last year, so that’s almost a 20% reduction,” Gardner says. “We want to maintain that reduction in our traffic crashes and traffic fatalities, especially with Labor Day coming up. It’s a holiday where parties are common, drinking might be common as well, so we want people to drive sober, drive safely.”

Gardner implores Iowans who are hosting events for the holiday to make sure their guests don’t drive impaired by calling them a taxi or Uber, giving them a ride home or offering them a place to crash.

“If they’re going to be consuming alcoholic beverages, make sure they’re getting a sober ride to their destination,” Gardner says. “That way, we can make sure that they’re getting home safe and they’re not getting into trouble by either being pulled over and they’re under the influence and they end up in jail for the weekend, or even worse, they get somebody else hurt or killed.”

The three-months between Memorial Day and Labor Day are considered the “100 Deadliest Days” in Iowa, when there’s typically a rise in teen crashes and deaths. During that period, the patrol says Iowa often averages 30 deaths of drivers and passengers between 14 and 18 years old.

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