Veterans still facing concerns with getting benefit issues addressed by feds

The Winnebago County Veterans Services Officer (VSO) says getting benefit issues addressed in a timely manner continues to be an issue for her and others in the state.
Mary Lou Kleveland says they constantly run into roadblocks, and she has talked with the Iowa Congressional delegation about it. “There needs to be some kind of congressional action, and they’re aware of that. They have talked to a lot of VSOs in our area, and they’re basically hearing the same things verbatim, of what’s going on, but huge delays,” she says.
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst is a veteran and says she has been working to fix the problems at the Veterans Administration and says with the DOGE efforts under the new administration she hopes they can deal with the problems. Kleveland handles more than 70 cases in Winnebago County every month, and many cases she has to rework. “There’s just a lot of need, and I will give the caveat with that is that there’s so many cases that are either waiting for a decision or I’m having to go back and try to fix because doing an appeal because of the problems with the VA,” Kleveland says.
Kleveland says it can be frustrating for her, but she is encouraged by the attitude of the veterans. “Thankfully, it’s balanced out with the kindness and the wins of the veterans,” she says. “So when we have some wins, or I get veterans in my office who is super cooperative and kind and just really grateful for whatever you do for them.” Kleveland encourages veterans seeking benefits in her county to visit her office for assistance. And says veterans in other countries should go to the office there to seek out their benefits.