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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Several citizens offer in-person feedback as Crawford County continues wind turbine moratorium

The Crawford County Board of Supervisors continued their moratorium discussing wind turbines in the county. Several attending citizens contributed to an hour-long conversation with their main concern being noise caused by existing turbines near their property. Representatives from the Silver Queen wind farm project addressed some of these concerns and suggested the citizens may be able to take legal action against the existing wind farm based on their complaints. The supervisors considered potentially factoring decibel readings at an affected residence into their final setback proposal. The moratorium will continue at next Tuesday's meeting with the expiration date set for July 1st.

The supervisors moved to change the Conservation Department part-time park tech positions to a full-time ranger as well. The current Yellow Smoke Park ranger, Nate Lekner, would move into an operations manager role and the move could have an impact of up to $60,000 on the budget for the next fiscal year. The board later endorsed a request of American Rescue Plan funding from the U.S. Treasury. They also accepted an agreement that includes the addition of Humboldt and Pocahontas counties to the Rolling Hills Community Services Region.

You can find full agendas and minutes from supervisor meetings here.

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